Posts Tagged ‘Point of Sale System’

Wired Network Working into Wireless Access Points

September 1, 2008

Let’s dive into something a little more complex. What if you have a wired network already, and you’re quite happy with the way it performs — you see no point in dismantling it and making it wireless when it works fine as it is. You’ve got this laptop, though, that you’d really like to use wirelessly. Basically, what you want to do is make a wireless connection to a wired network. This is often referred to as a network bridge.

As luck would have it, there’s a very easy way to do exactly what you want. It’s called a wireless access point.

Partly Wireless

If you’ve got a lot of computers (on an office network, for example) and you can’t switch them all over to wireless networking at once, installing a wireless router is a good way of doing it bit-by-bit. Once the router is part of the network, you could just remove one network wire per day or per week, replacing it with a wireless connection.

Hardware and Software Requirements

There are two kinds of wireless access points: software and hardware ones. Wireless access point software runs on one of the computers on the wired network, and lets wireless devices connect to the network through that computer (the computer must obviously be wireless-enabled).

You can get wireless access software easily — doing a web search will give you plenty of choices. Look for one that’s open source, as you will be able to download it straightaway for free without breaking any laws. Unfortunately, though, the wireless devices will only be connected to the network while the computer in question is turned on and connected itself.

Hardware access points, on the other hand, are standalone devices that can be plugged in anywhere on the network — you can either buy a dedicated access point, or convert an old computer to act as one and do nothing else. They connect to the wired network just as a normal computer would, except that they offer access to the network to any wireless receivers within range.

How Wireless Access Points Work

An access point sends requests for data on behalf of the wireless devices connected to it. In this way, it works a lot like a wireless router: basically, a wireless access point is to a wired LAN as a wireless router is to the Internet. The difference, though, is that the devices connected through an access point actually become part of the LAN — other computers on the LAN won’t distinguish between the wired computers and the wireless ones.

This is powerful, as it gives you the capability to dynamically extend your wired LAN, without wires. In theory, there shouldn’t be anything you can currently do over your wired network that you won’t be able to do over the wireless extension to it.

Configuring a Wireless Access Point

You can usually configure a wireless access point as easily as plugging it into a connection to your network, using the cable that should be included. Your network should see the access point and give it a networking (IP) address automatically. If you need to do any more configuration on your access point — for example, turning on wireless encryption — then you’ll need to open your access point’s settings.

You can do this by going to the router’s IP address in your web browser. If you’re not sure how to do this, refer to your access point’s manual (you might have better luck reading the online version, which will be updated with the latest problems people are having). While you’re playing with your access point’s settings, you might find it worth disabling DHCP (dynamic network addressing) and giving your access point a static address instead. This helps to keep your wired network more stable.

Contact Us

Parkash Gupta

TechnoSource Australia PTY Ltd.
87, Chichester Drive
Taylors Lakes
Victoria – 3038
1300 300 344
03 9390 3222

Mobile Computing Accessories

September 1, 2008

Mobile computing accessories include electronic devices such as laptops, notebook PCs, tablet PCs, palmtops, personal digital assistant (PDAs), other hand held devices, networking software and access point devices. These devices have inbuilt radio signaling devices that are used to receive and transmit electronic data. They can be used in any location that is wirelessly networked using Wi-Fi or WiMax technology.

Different accessories are designed to offer varied services. Portable computing devices such as laptops and notebooks can be used to access the Internet or an organizations LAN( local area network) or WAN (wide area network) server. Hand held devices such as mobile phones can also be used to access the Internet and download electronic data.

Mobile computing accessories are used in different industries such as education and corporate training, retail, transportation and logistics, warehousing and distribution, office and public space environment, manufacturing, healthcare and hospitality. They are used to transfer large data files and other electronic data, access the world wide web, support audio/video conferencing, send and receive e-mails and reconfigure high bandwidth sites. They also help in just-in-time inventory infrastructure management, real-time information management, customer service, and access to vital network resources. These enable organizations to boost productivity, cut costs, and increase profitability.

These accessories are used in conjunction with appropriate software that alters device network settings to suit different networking technologies. The software is used to prevent unauthorized access with the help of log in passwords. Proprietary data stored in these devices can be encrypted to avoid data theft.

Apart from standard mobile computing accessories available in the market, customized devices are also manufactured to suit specific user requirements. Work is on to design and develop new mobile computing accessories that are compatible with different networking technologies. They are expected to incorporate new features and technologies that will enable fast and error free data transfers.

Contact Us

Parkash Gupta

TechnoSource Australia PTY Ltd.
87, Chichester Drive
Taylors Lakes
Victoria – 3038
1300 300 344
03 9390 3222

Barcode Scanners – Types, Features and Benefits

September 1, 2008

A barcode scanner is a device that is used to read the printed barcodes. A barcode consists of a series of parallel, adjacent bars and spaces that are decoded with the intensity of the light reflected by them. When the scanning is initialized, the scanner lens reads the entire code with the help of the light source and converts the code into 0s and 1s. The space reflects the light where as the dark bar absorbs the light. This is called digitalizing. Thus decoding is done for the barcode and the result is sent to the output device.

Types of barcode scanners:
The barcode scanners can be classified into two main categories. They are

• Contact readers: These devices are normally held in the hands. To read a barcode this type of readers must either touch the code or come close to it.

• Non-contact readers: These devices need not be close to the barcode to read the code. These scanners use either a moving beam or a stationary beam, but mostly they have a moving laser light beam. These scanners come in both handheld and fixed mount configurations.

Features of barcode readers:
The barcode scanners consist of an internal decoder and a cable, which are connected to the computer through compatible ports. It consists of a light source, a lens and a photo conductor translating optical impulses into electrical ones. Additionally, nearly all barcode readers contain decoder circuit. It analyzes the barcode’s image data provided by the photo conductor and sends the barcode’s content to the scanner’s output port. Advanced readers use laser-scanning technology. Barcode readers are available in several forms like in hand-held, hands-free, wearable, scan engines, laser or digital.

Benefits o f barcode readers:
The benefits of the barcode readers can be classified based upon their types.
• Benefits of Contact barcode readers:

o Portable in size, simple to use.
o Suitable for small businesses
o Low maintenance
o Less in price when compared to a laser gun or a CCD reader.
o Can be considered as the basic scanner when implementing for the first time.

• Benefits of non-contact readers:

o Non-contact readers works from a distance of several inches to several feet depending upon the scanner design and the size of the input. So, non-contact scanners can be used in almost any barcode reading application.
o These scanners are mostly put into use when the input cannot be brought near the scanner like heavy machinery or objects.
o The fixed position non-contact readers are best suited for applications where the items move past the scanner.
o These scanners are best suited for the mobility applications.
These scanners can perform high-end and heavy-duty work for long durations.

• Overall benefits of barcode scanners:

o Use of barcodes provides a fast, easy and accurate mechanism to enter data into a computer system for data collection or data lookup.
o Accelerates workflow efficiency and speed ups throughput process
o Eliminate data entry errors
o Achieve data accuracy in backend host application
o The barcode scanner interprets a unique identity of every product.
o The occurrence of errors is almost zero.
o The process is time and cost-effective.
o Access to total production costs is possible.
o There is a huge saving in the terms of labor effort.

Barcode scanners have a positive impact on both the commercial and industrial sector. In the commercial segment, the usage of barcode scanners has reduced the time and effort at the process of billing. In the industrial segment, the barcode scanners have a positive impact in many areas increasing operating efficiency and the productivity.

Contact Us

Parkash Gupta

TechnoSource Australia PTY Ltd.
87, Chichester Drive
Taylors Lakes
Victoria – 3038
1300 300 344
03 9390 3222

How Cash Drawer Systems Can Help To Increase Your Business Profits.

September 1, 2008

Are you a retailer who is looking to increase your business profits? If so, you are definitely not alone. Higher sales and an increase in customer satisfaction are two important goals among many retailers. If you are looking to accomplish those goals, it is important that you take a close look at POS equipment, also commonly referred to as point of sale equipment.

When examining POS equipment, you will find that it comes in a number of different formats. For example, it is possible to purchase complete POS cash register systems. These systems typically come with all components included; components that may include cash drawers, cash register keyboards, cash register screens, receipt printers, and credit card scanners. In addition to buying complete POS cash register systems, you should be able to purchase cash register components individually. There are also a number of other point of sale systems that you can purchase as well, such as inventory collection devices.

One of the many ways that POS equipment, such as POS cash registers, can assist your business is by helping you keep an accurate count of your inventory. Many complete POS cash registers systems come with inventory tracking software installed. This means that each time that one of your cashiers scans a customer’s order, each item will be removed from your on hand inventory count. Depending on your business’s ordering structure, your POS software and system may enable your store order to automatically be generated. This can save you and your staff members a considerable amount of time, in turn, improving your business profits.

In conjunction with having accurate on hand inventory counts, you will find that many POS systems also help to improve customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is an important component of running a successful and profitable business. With a high customer satisfaction rating, you are likely to acquire new customers, as well as see a steady level of repeat customers. In keeping with the on hand inventory count that your POS systems and POS software can generate, it enables your stores to stay fully stocked. From a customer standpoint, there is nothing worse than arriving at your favorite store only to learn they do not have the items that you needed in stock. An accurate on hand inventory count can prevent your customers from turning to your competitors.

By relying on the latest versions of POS cash registers, POS software updates, and other POS equipment pieces, your customer transactions will likely be handled in a smooth, yet quick and effective matter. This is important, as many customers do not enjoy having to wait in long lines to be serviced. This is why it is advised that all retailers invest in complete POS cash register systems. Complete POS cash registers systems come equipped with countertop barcode scanners, as well as handheld scanners. The ability to scan a customer purchase, instead of record each purchase by hand, can double or even triple the speed of customer transactions. This can not only improve your customer satisfaction rating, but it can also help free up your employees, enabling them to complete other important tasks.

If you are interested in further exploring what POS systems and updated POS software can do for you and your business, you are urged to examine With a large selection of POS products, including complete POS cash register systems, in both new and certified pre owned conditions, you are sure to find what you are looking for at In addition to a large selection of POS systems, is well-known for their amazing customer service department, which can assist you with finding and buying the POS systems that are perfect for you and your business.

Contact Us

Parkash Gupta

TechnoSource Australia PTY Ltd.
87, Chichester Drive
Taylors Lakes
Victoria – 3038
1300 300 344
03 9390 3222